Graphic design and desktop publishing

Effective communication implies a graphic design component, generally complementary to translation. Adapting a translated message often involves modifying certain graphic elements. A text layout check, led by someone versed in the languages’ used and their hyphenation rules, guarantees soundness in your communication.
Working with layouts
For DTP communication documents made with Adobe InDesign we’re able to translate directly in the source document. We deliver to you a translated foreign language version not yet implemented into the source document, ready for the graphic work.
Translation and graphic work
If you don’t have a desktop publishing studio, we can handle the graphics in the translations using InDesign, Xpress, Illustrator or Photoshop. In this case we’ll send you a low-definition PDF as a press proof, followed by the translated native file (1 file per language or 1 text layer per language, depending on the original format), as well as a high-definition PDF with crop marks ready for printing. We can collaborate with your printer or photo-engraver if necessary.
Free post-layout proofreading
All our graphic design projects include post-layout proofreading and hyphenation checks. If we’re not in charge of the graphic design, we always offer a post-layout proofreading option once your studio has finished the DTP. This includes checking text integration, translation and hyphenation.
Optional second proofreading
Documents for publication (brochures, magazines, pamphlets, etc.) deserve to be perfect. To avoid any oversights, we can provide an optional second proofreading by another translator.
Using InDesign for magazines and digital publishing
Adobe InDesign is the flagship DTP software for digital publishing. Thanks to the IDML exports that we can generate with our CAT tools, InDesign is well-adapted to the translation process and allows us to translate directly in the native file without modifying the tags or stylistic features.
Working with Latin, Arabic, Asian and Cyrillic alphabets
We are able to work with any alphabet, but our clients’ computer systems are not always able to handle Arabic, Asian or Cyrillic alphabets. Depending on the project, and if we’re not handling the graphic design, we can send you the font used with your document; or with Arabic for example, we can send you a vectorized text.
Elements required
For graphic design or the translation of native files, we ask that you supply us with the original, definitive and final templates, along with the HD imports of the images and fonts used in the page layout.
Contact us today for an in-depth look at your graphic design and DTP needs.