Financial translation services

When it comes to financial translation services, differences between the source text and the translation can lead to different interpretations with potential to cause confusion, mistakes, or disruption in a market or field. This type of translation therefore requires a high level of technical expertise from the translator, or from the group of translators collaborating on the project.

Financial Research and Analysis translation

These types of translations follow the pulse of the stock markets. The real-time updates of the financial markets require speed, efficiency and productivity from the translation provider.

Financial Operations translation

This type of urgent, highly-important translation provides great added value, as the operation itself depends on its quality.

Financial Communications translation

Translation of financial communications documents (reports, press releases) or financial annual reports require high precision and attention to style, as the company’s very own image is in the spotlight.

Financial Techniques translation

This purely theoretical translation requires perfect command of the relevant terminology and knowledge of macro & micro-economic and financial models. Financial technique translations are performed by translators with a finance and economics background.

Typical profile of our financial translators

Karen, 17+ years’ experience:

  • Expert corporate and financial communications translator.
  • Native (target) language: English
  • Source languages: French, Spanish.
  • Academic qualifications: Paris III-Censier University: Master’s in Financial Translation.


  • Investment banks
  • Businesses
  • Corporations
  • Financial advisors
  • Investment funds
  • Government agencies
  • Corporate attorneys


  • Annual reports
  • Business reports
  • Accounting documents
  • Shareholders’ agreements
  • Audit reports
  • Press releases
  • Financial analyses
  • Management control processes

Atenao’s Financial Translation Clients

CEA Assurances, AXA, Société Générale, Chequers Capital Finances, Fidecompta, Falcon Investissements, CBR Team Building, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Brothers And Sisters Entertainment, BNP Paribas, Fondation MACIF…


Contact us today for an in-depth look at your financial translation needs.